This Web site is a public resource for general information about Sauce Tardy & Blumenthal and its attorneys. Nothing in this Web site should be used by the reader as a source of legal advice. Communication by you via this Web site does not establish an attorney-client relationship with Sauce Tardy & Blumenthal and/or its attorneys. Therefore, we cannot agree to maintain the confidentiality of communications sent through this Web site. Any email you send to the firm or any of its staff is not confidential and is not protected by the attorney client relationship. Please use at your own risk. Do not send us any information about your legal problem. Our professional obligations require that before accepting any new client, we must determine whether there are any actual or potential conflicts with any of existing or former clients of Sauce Tardy & Blumenthal and its attorneys. No attorney client relationship is created by sending such email. You are not the client of Sauce Tardy & Blumenthal because you send such an email. If you wish to inquire into becoming a client with the firm, please request a personal interview by contacting Sauce Tardy & Blumenthal. We will not consider any email regarding new client representation.




© 2009 - Sauce Tardy & Blumenthal - 829 Conner Street, Noblesville IN 46060